Begin Your Journey Here

and join a global Company of Prophets!

Our 90 day program will equip, teach and train you to not only hear the voice of God clearly, but to become the mature prophet you are called to be. You’ll be immersed in daily classes, receive through impartation and teaching and activated in your prophetic calling under the supervision of experienced apostles and prophets. Our instructors have 50+ years of experience in raising up prophetic voices all over the world and desire to see you fulfill all God has for you!

Social proof: testimonials

My Roar Was Restored!

Barbara Shirkey

This course have broadened my spiritual horizon. It’s like I had blinders on and now I’m seeing in panoramic view all of the possibilities I never knew existed for what I believe God has put in me. I see little bits of some of the different prophetic giftings in me, but, I don’t seem to excel in any one particular arena. God has used you to remove the blinders and I am so excited and eager to be coming under all of you to learn and grow and figure out my ROAR for The Lord.

Excellent Classes!

Yliana Terrazas

I’ve enjoyed all the classes and have learned a lot. I love all the Bible verses being used and how that’s helped me to understand that Bible study is so important as a prophet. I love this course and took my time. I didn’t want to miss out on any of what’s being taught. Thank you all and God bless you!

Challenged to Answer the Call!

Mary French

I have been enlightened, encouraged and challenged by all of these to take hold of God's personal call. Thank you!