Christian International School of the Prophets
Christian International School of the Prophets is designed to train people who are called to the prophetic. We have developed a program that teaches the core principles of what it is to be a prophet.
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
School of the Prophets Courses
Be activated to see into the unseen realm and hear the Voice of God! You'll learn to discern between good and evil, angels and demons, sheep from the wolves. Learn to operate in authority, wisdom and balance to effectively build the kingdom.
School of the Prophets Courses
God has designed spiritual blessings to flow when you are properly positioned under spiritual authority! In this course, we examine important keys for advancement and blessing in your spiritual walk, how to relate to those God positions in our lives.
School of the Prophets Courses
This course looks at the ways in which powerful decrees can shift natural situations. The purpose of this course is to equip each believer to exercise their authority on the earth through making decrees by faith, according to the Word of God.
School of the Prophets Courses
A Seer is a prophet, but not all prophets are Seers! The Seer Prophet brings prophetic insight into the spiritual realm by what they "see" in the spirit through dreams and visions, angelic visitations and encounters with the Holy Spirit.
School of the Prophets Courses
Prophets are called to people, cultures, nations and global structures. This course will teach you how to identify who you are called to, where you are called and how to release the Word of the Lord to your sphere of influence, where ever you are.